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Celebrating colleagues featured in the IPN Dynamic 100

Celebrating colleagues featured in the IPN Dynamic 100

The Dynamic 100 is a network of the most influential professionals in the Irish pharmacy industry who act as ambassadors and role models for their peers and colleagues. PHX Ireland is proud to recognise and celebrate colleagues nominated for and featured in the Dynamic 100.

Ciara Berry, Supervising Pharmacist in LloydsPharmacy Glasnvein has championed the Hello Health message and is a strong advocate for making your health matter. Ciara has engaged colleagues across the business to promote the proactive health approach and enhance patient care.

Hillary Collins, People & Culture Director with PHX Ireland has developed and implemented the ourpeople strategy to develop a workplace culture where all colleagues can do their best work and be their true authentic selves. 

Karen Gibney, Brand & Digital Marketing Manager with United Drug has enhanced customer communications and supplier relations in the United Drug network and made changes to enhance the added value offering for customers and buying groups.

Martin Hynes, Clinical Governance Manager with LloydsPharmacy plays a pivotal role in driving the patient centric approach for LloydsPharmacy. Martin leads the APPEL, TCQR programme for pharmacy students ensuring excellent mentoring and valuable training supports are in place for students.

Maeve Magner, Superintendent Pharmacist, TCP Homecare ensures the entire team consistently meet the highest standards through her exceptional leadership. Her contributions as a member of the Clinical Governance Team are extremely valued and always ensuring the highest standard of care.

Liz Mahon, Learning & Development Specialist with PHX Ireland is responsible for the L&D pillar of the ourpeople strategy, delivers training and ensures access to information is readily available for all employees.

Katie O’Neill, Supervising Pharmacist with TCP Homecare is a leader who exhibits resilience and positive attitude all the time. During periods of short staffing Katie has delivered exceptional training of colleagues and constantly strives to deliver meaningful care to patients.

Paul Reilly, CEO of PHX Ireland has overseen a number of events in the past year most notably the PHOENIX Group acquisition of McKesson Ireland and it’s launch as PHX Ireland, and the agreement of LloydsPharmacy to acquire McCabe’s Pharmacy.

As we recognise the featured individuals, we would also like to acknowledge the entire PHX Ireland team for their collective efforts in delivering health and we look forward to another successful year in 2024.